Stay Sharp

Saturday, January 08, 2011


Back in the city I've called home since 1999. Spent the last year in Thailand working on another project so being back "home" feels a little weird to be honest. Things change, views and ideas reflects reality and to take it to the level where you can handle it without loosing too much is an act of dedicated balance. I know that you guys who know me and also you who doesn't but have checked out by blog for the last 4 years can see a change in things. I have more or less decided to commit 2011 as an non-proffessional photographer after 8 years in the business (I will abort this plan if National Geographic Magazine sends me on an assignment, anywhere/anytime). I will focus on photography on a higher level and the calculation adds up to the best by deleting "professional" before photography i.e. by not making money from it. Money and the shit it brings with it under its wings makes it an ugly thing and kills the beauty and grace needed to be airborne. I'm striving for the albatross thing here, not the bread crumb fed depending common pigeon a.k.a "Flying Rat".  
I will soon head back out again leaving this Island behind for a while, moving on, learning new stuff, seeing new things, still being too curious for my own good.

I had the supreme pleasure to hook up with my brother Carlos again as well as experience another uplifting practice gig with Tokyo's underground trash/death metal guys from OGRE. They got a new drummer so things are looking up again.


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